Carving Axe sheath

(3 customer reviews)


A well made sheath will age beautifully and protect the edge of the tool and the user for many years. These axe sheaths are made to fit the Robin Wood carving axe, we do a different one for the Woodland axe and the Large Carving axe.

They are made from top quality 5mm thick veg tanned leather made by Clayton’s, one the UK’s last traditional tanneries at Chesterfield. An extra piece of leather runs down the centre protecting the axe blade from the rivets.

Made to fit the Robin Wood carving axe.

SKU: C-AXE-S Categories: ,


Additional information

Weight 0.05 kg

3 reviews for Carving Axe sheath

  1. Martin Graham

    Perfect fit… thanks

  2. Gareth Treharne

    Exceptionally high quality sheath. Perfect fit.

  3. Adrian Williams

    I’ll be ordering one for the carving axe my wife bought me for Xmas. A lovely piece which I now need to find some good wood for.

    I’d check the last paragraph of the description for the error.

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